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Constitutional / Institutional Design

My primary research focus is the influence of partisan politics on institutional design and change. I define political institutions broadly and have written on constitutional design, electoral system manipulation, and the internal organization of political parties.



  • The Universality and Originality of the Japanese Constitution in Quantitative Perspective, Chikura Shobō


2024. “Constitutional Design Preferences: An Experimental Approach” International Journal of Constitutional Law (with S. Eshima, A. Takahashi, and C. Winkler)


2024. “Mass-Elite Discrepancy over Foreign Policy: Constitutional Revision in Japan.” In J. Shim, ed. Mass-Elite Representation Gap in Old and New Democracies: Critical Junctures and Elite Agency. University of Michigan Press, 196-220.

2024. “Constitutional Revision—Why It Failed." In Y. Funabashi and K. Nakakita, eds. Critical Review of the Abe Administration: Politics of Conservatism and Realism. Routledge, 212-232


2024.「クオータ制の支持基盤―誰がなぜ支持するのか?―」編:三浦まり『ジェンダー・クオータがもとらす新しい政治』法律文化社, 202-22 (with 三浦まり, 金子智樹)

  • “Support Base for Quotas — Who Supports Them and Why?” In M. Miura, ed. The New Politics Brought About by Gender Quotas. Hōritsu Bunka Sha, 202-220 (with M. Miura and T. Kaneko).

2023. “Public Preference for International Law Compliance: Respecting Legal Obligations or Conforming to Common Practices?Review of International Organizations 19, 63-93 (with S. Kuzushima and Y. Shiraito)

2023. “Constitutional Revision in the 2021 Election.” In R. J. Pekkanen, S. R. Reed, and D. Smith, eds. Japan Decides 2021. Palgrave Macmillan, 319-331.

2023 “Japan: Manipulating (On) the Margins.” In N. Tan and K. Templeman, eds. Electoral Malpractice in Asia: Bending the Rules. Lynne Rienner Publishers, 27-42 (with T. Yoshikawa)


2022. "Explaining Public Support for Gender Quotas: Sexism, Representational Quality, and State Intervention in Japan." Politics & Gender. 19(3), 781-805 (with M. Miura and T. Kaneko)

2022. "The Clash of Traditional Values: Opposition to Female Monarchs.European Political Science Review, 15(2), 291-310 (with G. Liu and Y. Shiraito)

2022.「憲法改正―なぜ実現できなかったのか」アジア・パシフィック・イニシアティブ編『検証 安倍政権―保守とリアリズムの政治』文藝春秋

  • “Constitutional Amendment — Why Could It Not Be Achieved?” In Asia Pacific Initiative, ed. Evaluating the Abe Administration: Politics of Conservatism and Realism. Bungei Shunjū, 346-383.

2022. “Constitutional Revision in the 2021 Election” in R. J. Pekkanen, S. R. Reed, and D. Smith, eds. Japan Decides 2021. Palgrave Macmillan, 319-331

2021. “The Proposer or the Proposal? An Experimental Analysis of Constitutional Beliefs”, Japanese Journal of Political Science, 22(1) (with S. Eshima and C. G. Winkler)

2021. “The Japanese Constitution.” In R. J. Pekkanen and S. M. Pekkanan, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Japanese PoliticsOxford University Press

2020. “When Candidates Are More Polarised than Voters: Constitutional Revision in Japan”, European Political Science, 19, 528-539.

2020. “The Perils and Virtues of Constitutional Flexibility: Japan’s Constitution and the Liberal International Order.” In Y. Funabashi and J. Ikenberry, eds. The Crisis of Liberal Internationalism: Japan and the World Order. Brookings Institution Press

2019.「危機に対応できる憲法とは―安定性と適応性の間で」『危機対応学の社会科学(上)―想定外を超えて』編:玄田有史・飯田高. 東京大学出版会

  • “What Kind of Constitution Can Respond to Crises? — Between Stability and Adaptability.” In Y. Genda and T. Iida, eds. The Social Sciences of Crisis Thinking (Vol. 1): Beyond the Unexpected. University of Tokyo Press, 49-65.

2018. “Constitutional Revision in the 2017 Election.” In R. J. Pekkanen, S. R. Reed, E. Scheiner, and D. Smith, eds. Japan Decides 2017. Palgrave Macmillan

2017. 「日本国憲法の特異な構造が改憲を必要としてこなかった」 『中央公論』 中央公論新社2017年5月号

--- “Why the Constitution of Japan has Not Required Amendments”, Chuō Kōron May 2017

2017. 「世界中の憲法との比較で見えた日本国憲法の特徴と普遍的価値」 『Journalism』 朝日新聞社2017年5月号

--- “Fundamental Attributes of the Constitution of Japan in Comparative Perspective”, Journalism May 2017

2015. “What’s Unique About the Japanese Constitution? A Comparative and Historical Analysis”, Journal of Japanese Studies, 41(2), 249-280 (with Christian Winkler)

2008. “Manipulating Electoral Rules to Manufacture Single-Party Dominance”, American Journal of Political Science, 52(1), 32-47

Party Realignment, Public Opinion, and Political Economy

​2024. “Generational Differences in Economic PerspectivesElectoral Studies, 91, 102830 (with T. Matsumoto, K. Okada, and J. Kato)

2023. “Narrative Premiums in Policy PersuasionPolitical Psychology, 45(2), 383-405 (with K. Kawata and M. Nakabayashi)

2023. “Japan: Manipulating (On) the Margins” in N. Tan and K. Templeman, eds. Electoral Malpractice in Asia: Bending the Rules. Lynne Rienner Publishers, 27-42 (with T. Yoshikawa)

2021.『日本の民主主義の再評価:第1回パネル討論「日本の民主主義の現状」報告書』日本国際交流文化センター(with 竹中治堅, 高安健将, 谷口尚子)

  • Report: “Japan’s Democracy: Lessons and Reflections 1 | The Current State of Japan’s Democracy.” Japan Center for International Exchange. (with H. Takenaka, K. Takayasu, and N. Taniguchi)


  • "Inequality or Growth? Subjective Economic Beliefs and Government Approval in Japan", Leviathan 57 (Oct 2015)

2015. "Did Abe's Coattails Help the LDP Win?" In R. Pekkanen, S. R. Reed & E. Scheiner (eds.), Japan Decides 2014: The Japanese General Election. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

2015. "Who Tolerates Tax Increases? Age and Gender in the Raising of Japanese Consumption Taxes." Journal of Social Science. 67, 75-96 (with G. W. Noble)

2015. “Parties and Elections in Japan.” In J. Babb, ed. Handbook of Japanese Studies, SAGE Publications, Ch. 20


2014. “Party System Institutionalization in Japan.” In A. Hicken and E. M. Kuhonta, eds. Party System Institutionalization in Asia: Democracies, Autocracies, and Shadows of the Past, Cambridge University Press, 74-107

2012. “The Nationalization of Japanese Elections”, Journal of East Asian Studies, 12(3), 323-50.


2012. “党首選改革と政党支持率”, 樋渡展洋/斉藤淳 [編], 政党政治の混迷と政権交代, 東京大学出版会, 193-218

  • "Party Reform and Popularity." In N. Hiwatari and J. Saito, eds. Party Politics in Disarray and Government Turnover, University of Tokyo Press (with M. Umeda)


2011. “Party Democratization and the Salience of Party Leaders”, Journal of Social Science 62.1 (with M. Umeda)

2009. Political Change in Japan: Electoral Behavior, Party Realignment, and the Koizumi Reforms, Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, Stanford University Press (co-edited with S. R. Reed and K. Shimizu)

2007. “Parties and Voters in Industrial Democracies.” In C. Boix and S. Stokes, eds., Oxford Handbook of Comparative Politics, Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK (with A. Wren)

Covid-19 and Japan

Covid-19 has changed how governments and citizens relate to one another. In a series of projects supported by the ISS Methodology of Social Sciences Project, our team has used panel surveys to examine the determinants of social distancing, the nature of infodemics, and the utility of contact-tracing apps.


**2024. 『パンデミックと社会科学―ポストコロナから見えてくるもの』勁草書房(編:加藤晋,田中隆一,ケネス・盛・マッケルウェイン)

  • Pandemics and Social Science: Insights from Post-COVID Japan. Keisō Shobō (co-edited with S. Cato and R. Tanaka)

  • Amazon; Keisō Shobō

2024.「国民の政治意識の変遷」編:加藤晋、田中隆一、ケネス・盛・マッケルウェイン『パンデミックと社会科学―ポストコロナから見えてくるもの』勁草書房,25-43 (with 澁谷遊野)

  • “Changes in the Public’s Political Awareness.” In S. Cato, R. Tanaka, and K.M. McElwain, eds. Pandemics and Social Science: Insights from Post-COVID Japan. Keisō Shobō, 25-43 (with Y. Shibuya)


2024.「政府要請による社会的信念の変化」編:加藤晋,田中隆一,ケネス・盛・マッケルウェイン『パンデミックと社会科学―ポストコロナから見えてくるもの』勁草書房,44-60 (with 加藤晋,飯田高,石田賢示,伊藤亜聖)

  • “Changes in Social Beliefs Due to Government Requests.” In S. Cato, R. Tanaka, and K.M. McElwain, eds. Pandemics and Social Science: Insights from Post-COVID Japan. Keisō Shobō, 44-60 (with S. Cato, T. Iida, K. Ishida, and A. Itō).


2024.「信頼される「専門家」の特性」編:加藤晋、田中隆一、ケネス・盛・マッケルウェイン『パンデミックと社会科学―ポストコロナから見えてくるもの』勁草書房,85-104 (with 近藤絢子)

  • “Characteristics of Trusted ‘Experts’.” In S. Cato, R. Tanaka, and K.M. McElwain, eds. Pandemics and Social Science: Insights from Post-COVID Japan. Keisō Shobō, 85-104 (with A. Kondo)

2022 “Mobile health technology as a solution to self-control problems: The behavioral impact of COVID-19 contact tracing apps in Japan”, Social Science and Medicine, Vol 306 (Aug) 115142 (with S. Cato, T. Iida, K. Ishida, A. Ito, H. Katsumata, M. Shoji)

2022 “Vaccination and altruism under the COVID-19 pandemic”, Public Health in Practice, Vol 3 (June), 100225 (with S. Cato, T. Iida, K. Ishida, A. Ito, H. Katsumata, M. Shoji)

2022「新型コロナウイルス感染症に関する壮年パネル調査-概要と記述統計分析-」『社会科学研究』第73巻第2号. pp. 95–125. (with 飯田高,石田賢示,伊藤亜聖,勝又裕斗,加藤晋,庄司匡宏)

2021 “Prosociality and the Uptake of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps: Survey Analysis of Intergenerational Differences in JapanJMIR mHealth and uHealth, Vol 9(8) (with S. Cato, T. Iida, K. Ishida, A. Ito, H. Katsumata, M. Shoji)


2021 “Social media infodemics and social distancing under the COVID-19 pandemic: Public good provisions under uncertainty”, Global Health Action, 14:1 (with S. Cato, T. Iida, K. Ishida, A. Ito, H. Katsumata, M. Shoji)

2021 “The bright and dark sides of social media usage during the COVID-19 pandemic: Survey evidence from Japan”, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 54:102034 (with S. Cato, T. Iida, K. Ishida, A. Ito, H. Katsumata, and M. Shoji)

2020 “Social distancing as a public good under the COVID-19 pandemic”, Public Health 188:51-53 (with Susumu Cato, Takashi Iida, Kenji Ishida, Asei Ito, and Masahiro Shoji)

© 2022 Kenneth Mori McElwain / ケネス・盛・マッケルウェイン

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