I am a professor of comparative politics at the Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo. I am originally from Ireland but was raised in Tokyo, Japan. I moved to the United States for my BA at Princeton University, obtained a PhD in political science from Stanford, and taught at a number of universities (Stanford, Michigan), before returning to Japan in 2015.
** In 2024-25, I am on sabbatical leave at Columbia University.
日本生まれ, アイルランド国籍. プリンストン大学卒. スタンフォード大学大学院政治学博士. ミシガン大学政治学部助教授を経て, 現在東京大学社会科学研究所教授, 専門は比較政治制度と世論分析.

1999 - 2005 Ph.D. in Political Science
Stanford University
1995 - 1999 A.B. in Public & International Affairs
Princeton University
St. Mary's International School, Tokyo
2015 - University of Tokyo (Japan)
Institute of Social Science
Professor (2019-), Associate Professor (2015-18)
2024 - 25 Columbia University (USA)
Visiting Professor, Political Science and SIPA
2018 - 19 Oxford University (UK)
Visiting Research Fellow
2008 - 15 University of Michigan (USA)
Department of Political Science
Assistant Professor
2011 European University Institute (Italy)
Visiting Research Fellow
2006 - 08 Stanford University (USA)
Div. of Int'l, Comparative, and Area Studies
2005 - 06 Harvard University (USA)
Program on US-Japan Relations
Advanced Research Fellow